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Making Jesus Christ
known & loved.

About Us

Br Peter Carroll, FMS


On December 8, 2022, the Marist Brothers' Star of the Sea Province was formed, bringing 11 Pacific Asia nations together, making it the largest and newest province in the worldwide Marist Institute.

The countries included are: Australia, Cambodia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea (including the autonomous region of Bougainville), Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Kiribati, New Zealand, and Samoa.

There are over 250 Brothers in the Province, supported by thousands of Marists, ranging in age from 24 to 100. 
Irrespective of their age or the roles they have, the Marists' primary mission remains, as it always has been, to witness to the Gospel and make Jesus Christ known and loved, in the way of Mary – to young, old, and one another.

Marcellin Champagnat

The Founder of the Marist Brothers

Marcellin Champagnat (1789-1840) was a French Catholic priest who founded the Marist Brothers, a religious congregation dedicated to the Christian education of youth. Born in a small village near Lyon, France, Champagnat's life was marked by a deep devotion to Mary and a passion for teaching. He established the first Marist Brothers community in 1817, and by the time of his death, the congregation had grown to over 300 brothers and 48 schools across France.

Today, his legacy endures through the Marists, who foster the holistic growth of children, especially the most neglected and marginalised, by providing transformative education, social initiatives, and spiritual formation across more than 80 nations.

The Star of the Sea Province is actively engaged in various initiatives aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and spiritual growth across the region.

From Marists in Kiribati using indigenous methods to counter the impacts of climate change to establishing a Centre for Ecology and Spirituality in Fiji, the SOTS family has consistently aimed to foster deeper and meaningful connections between faith, environmental stewardship, and community empowerment.

Br Darren Burge, FMS, Vice Provincial speaks more about these initiatives.

Our Initiatives

Br Darren Burge, FMS

Vice Provincial


The SOTS Marist Family

Spanning the vast Pacific region - 11 countries - the SOTS Marists embody Marcellin Champagnat's mission in this region.


Inspired by his ideals, they follow in Mary's way, assisting the Brothers in making Jesus known and loved through education, social initiatives, and faith formation. These dedicated men and women bring Marcellin's charism to life amidst island cultures, infusing it with their diversity. Whether teaching, leading youth ministry, spearheading outreach, or nurturing a profound Marian spirituality, the Marists exemplify family spirit, love of work, and an unwavering zeal to better the world, especially for the next generation.

The Provincial Council

Marist life, spirituality and Brotherhood

At the heart of the Marist way of life lies a profound spirituality rooted in the teachings of our founder, Marcellin Champagnat, and the legacy of the first Brothers. We embrace a Marial – in the way of Mary, compassionate, kind and loving – and apostolic spirituality, cultivating a deep devotion to Mary and a commitment to spreading the Good News.

Our spirituality is a living tradition, encouraged by our personal and communal efforts to adapt to changing times and diverse cultures. For centuries, Marist Brothers have played a vital role in furthering the teachings of the Church through their consecrated vocations. While not called to the priesthood, they take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience as they dedicate their lives to prayer, community living, and uplifting the impoverished through education, faith formation and social justice.  

Discover our work 

Our Province undertakes works across many different areas throughout 11 countries. We invite you to discover how Marists are working in our community today.

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Marists of Champagnat

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Delve deeper into the rich history and spirituality of the Marist Brothers through our extensive collection of articles, publications, and books. Our resources offer a comprehensive look into the life and works of  Marcellin Champagnat, the Brothers and the larger Marist family.
Visit our dedicated resources page to access this knowledge and gain a profound understanding of the Marist charism that has transformed countless lives around the world.


We encourage anyone who may have suffered past abuse to contact the Professional Standards Office of the Marist Brothers of the respective regions. For Australia, please contact Australian Professional Standards Office, e-  t - + 61 9218 4000; for Aotearoa New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga and Kiribati, please contact, New Zealand Professional Standards Office,

e -, t - + 64 22 648 4014; for Fiji, please contact Fiji Professional Standards Representative e, t - + 679 738 8303.

The Marist Brothers cooperate with authorities in the investigation of abuse, no matter where or when it may have occurred. We strongly urge any person who has any evidence of criminal conduct to contact their local police and report it so that it can be appropriately investigated.

Aotearoa New Zealand


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“If the Lord does not build the House, then in vain do the builders labour.”

Psalm 127:1

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© 2024 Star of the Sea

Contact Us

Province Office Australia

PO Box 1247

Mascot NSW 1460



Suite 5.01

247 Coward Street 

Mascot NSW 2020


t  | +61 9218 4000

Province Office Aotearoa New Zealand 

PO Box 24-400

Royal Oak, Auckland

New Zealand


Suite 1.4

381 Great South Road

Ellerslie, Auckland 1051

New Zealand


t | + 64 9 573 5233

e |

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