Marists of SOTS
Fiji to Kiribati and beyond: SOTS Marists continue to bring Marcellin’s vision to life
Who is a Marist?
A Marist is a member of the Marist Family - a global community of people and consecrated religious Brothers and Sisters who share the spiritual vision and educational mission inspired by Marcellin Champagnat.
While Marist Brothers take religious vows, non-Brother Marists are Catholic men and women who live out the Marist charism and spirituality in their daily lives and vocations. They are teachers, administrators, staff, parents, alumni, and supporters of Marist ministries and schools around the world.
The reference text, Gathered Around the Same Table, puts it this way: “Lay Marists are those people who, after a personal journey of discernment, have decided to live their Christian spirituality and mission in the manner of Mary, following the insight of Marcellin Champagnat.” (GATST 11)
It is believed that one does not become a Marist by just working in a Marist ministry, or by length of service, or by being a friend of the Brothers. They should live a profound experience of faith and engage in a process of vocational growth leading to a personal decision to live the Marist charism consciously, fully and co-responsibly.
Following Christ in Champagnat’s way, then, means committing yourself to living the three fundamental and inseparable dimensions of the Marist charism: mission, shared life and spirituality (cf. GATST 34); and giving witness to this way of being a disciple of Christ in the Church and in the world at the service of the most needy and marginalised.
The Marist Philosophy
At the heart of the Marist philosophy is the desire to "make Jesus Christ known and loved" through the education and empowerment of young people, especially the most neglected.
Key pillars of the Marist educational approach include:
Forming faith-filled disciples with a personal relationship with Jesus and Mary
Nurturing empowered witnesses who live with integrity and respect all life
Developing agents of justice and service committed to Catholic social teaching
Cultivating servant leaders who use their gifts to serve the Church and community
Building spirit-filled members of family and community who celebrate diversity.
Marists in the Pacific Islands
The Marist presence in the Pacific Islands dates back to the late 19th century when Marist missionaries and educators arrived to empower the youth through catholic education, social initiatives and faith formation.
Today, Marist schools, retreat centers, and outreach programs can be found across nations like Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Samoa, and others. Marist teachers, staff, and volunteers work alongside Marist Brothers to uplift local communities through holistic education rooted in Gospel values and Marcellin’s charism.
Alongside, in the Pacific, Marists are at the forefront of efforts to preserve indigenous cultures, promote social justice, protect the environment, and empower young people to become faithful leaders and positive change-makers in their societies.
The document Being a Lay Marist contains thoughts on providing each person with the accompaniment they personally need to discern the call to live the lay Marist vocation, with guidelines regarding formation pathways and concrete steps to take to express this vocation.
Read about the work done in the 11 countries by the SOTS Marist family.