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Bridging Cultures: Bridge Builder Sara Writes About Her Experience in Fiji's Lomeri Marist Community

Updated: Aug 14

Sara Petruzzella, 27, is a primary school teacher from Adelaide who began her volunteer experience in Fiji in July. She is living and supporting the Brothers’ community in Lomeri, where they operate an Ecology and Spirituality centre.

In 2013, Sara participated in a Marist immersion program in Suva, Fiji, where she stayed with the Brothers’ community. During her three-week stay then, she fell in love with the local culture and people, nurturing a desire to return one day. Sara's involvement with Marist Youth Ministry in 2016 and 2019-2020 provided her with valuable opportunities to engage with various Brothers' communities throughout Australia. These experiences strengthened her desire to immerse herself in Marist life for a longer duration. The Bridge Builders program offered Sara the opportunity to fulfill her aspirations, allowing her to live and serve within a Marist community.

Sara will be in Lomeri for three months, immersing herself in Fijian culture, the Brothers' community, the stunning landscape, and her spirituality. She is eager to “roll up my sleeves and get to work — just as Marcellin taught us.”

In the following article, Sara documents her experiences over the past month and shares insights and reflections on what it means to live a Marist life while contributing to the community.

It has now been over one month of living in the stunning Lomeri Community in Fiji. My breath is still taken away each day by the view from my home- rainforest, mountains and the Lomary Church and schools, with the beach just behind them. Our community consists of four individuals, including me - fellow volunteer from New Zealand Tony, hilarious Br Damien and Br Chris Poppelwell, a marvellous storyteller.

Each day consists of community time through prayers and meals, as well as morning mass at the parish where hundreds of school students join and wow us with their passionate singing voices, leaving no doubt of God's presence with us. For me, Monday to Wednesday involves taking intervention groups of year 4 students who need support in their reading, writing and oral language skills.

On a typical day I take four-to-five groups of students, working through half an hour session that I've planned to target areas of need such as letter formation, blending sounds to read words and reading and writing irregular high frequency words. In the afternoons I have just started to support small groups of year 8 students to help prepare them for their upcoming English exam, this is followed by time to plan the next sessions and prepare all necessary resources.

My students are all gentle and kind, eager to learn more and very excited when the homemade playdough comes out! It's been a pleasure to work alongside talented Fijian educators who amaze me with their dedication to learning and bringing joy to school each day, with classes of around 40 students (one teacher even has 81 students at the moment!).

On Thursday and Friday, I am busy assisting with maintaining the Spirituality and Ecology centre and preparing it for guests, or supporting a smooth retreat process if guests are present. It's been lovely to welcome guests from different walks of life to the centre, from students to seminarians from all over the Pacific, and to hear their stories.

There have been lots of learning experiences about living in community and the Fijian way of life, and for me especially, how to live life at a slower pace- enjoying each moment without rushing through the day.

Though not entirely what I expected, through the moments of challenge and the moments of pure joy I am eternally grateful to have been presented with this opportunity through the Marist community and extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every person who has assisted or welcomed me along the way.

The Marist Bridge Builders Program offers a unique opportunity for individuals over 18 years to contribute their skills and energy to a variety of ministries focused on children and young people. Whether your expertise lies in education, health, social work, trades, or music, your presence, knowledge, and abilities can be invaluable in assisting our international Marist projects and communities. For more information, read more or contact Br Chris Wills, Director of Bridge Builders at

Pic credit - Sara Petruzzella

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