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Strengthening Brotherhood: Melanesian Brothers Reflect and Reconnect at Annual Retreat

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

In a significant gathering marking their second annual retreat, held from 10 to 16 December, twenty Marist Brothers from Melanesia - comprising the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, and Bougainville - came together in Port Moresby to strengthen their communal bonds and plan for the future.

This year’s retreat, themed “We Make the Path by Walking,” built on the foundation established during their inaugural meeting in 2023.

That first meeting was especially meaningful, as it marked their first gathering since the dissolution of the Melanesian district prior to 2020 and the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Melanesian Brothers' Gathering in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

The retreat addressed multiple crucial goals, particularly focusing on the unique challenges faced by Brothers in the Melanesian region, where communities are often small and geographically isolated.

"Coming together is foremost about creating a bond, that sense of Melanesian Brotherhood," says Br John Hazelman, the Provincial Delegate for Pasifika and the coordinator for the event. "This is crucial because here the communities and the islands are scattered, distant and small in numbers."

This year's program had been thoughtfully designed to incorporate several key elements.

Enhancing Spiritual Development

At the core of the retreat was contemplative prayer and reflection, guided by Br Bill Sullivan who flew in from Australia to conduct the sessions. The focus was on developing a deeper practice of listening and attentiveness, moving away from verbal prayer to a more reflective approach.

Practical Skills Enhancement

The retreat expanded its scope to address specific challenges identified during the previous gathering. Special attention was given to:

  • Bettering communication skills and staying safe online.

  • Community life and its essential role in Brothers' vocation.

  • Personal well-being and health management, with a focus on addressing concerns about early mortality and illness among the Brothers.

  • Leadership development, emphasising the principle that "everyone is a leader."

Looking to the Future

“One of the unique aspects of this year’s retreat,” shares Br John, “was the emphasis on collective dreaming and vision-building.” The Brothers were encouraged to reflect on and articulate their hopes and aspirations for the future.

These insights will later be shared with the wider province, making this process especially significant as the Province prepares for the upcoming Provincial Chapter at the end of next year.

Br Bill Sullivan led the retreat.

Br John notes significant progress in the Brothers' engagement compared to the previous year, and the retreat also created a safe space for them to address challenging issues within their communities, including concerns about community dynamics and feelings of isolation.

There was also a particular focus on building confidence and affirming individual gifts and talents to encourage the emergence of leadership.

Br Steve Vaea presenting on the importance of safe online communication.

“This gathering has been a truly engaging and incredibly important experience," says

Br Jean Marie Batick from Vanuatu. “It provided us Brothers with a unique opportunity to come together, connect, and build stronger bonds, not just socially but also through meaningful discussions on important issues we face in our communities. It was a chance to share, listen, and grow in unity as a Brotherhood.

However, for future gatherings, it might be even more effective to structure things differently - perhaps dedicating separate days for the retreat and the meetings. This way, we could focus fully on the spiritual aspects of the retreat while having undivided attention for the discussions and decision-making during the meetings,” he adds.

Brothers Mark and Finan

A United Future

The retreat represents a vital step in empowering the Melanesian Brothers to preserve their unique identity while fully engaging with the larger province. "I believe that after this gathering, the Melanesian Brothers will return home with a renewed sense of pride and confidence, knowing they are part of a much larger province - not just their local communities. I also hope they will gain greater strength to advocate for themselves and foster a stronger sense of ownership," adds Br John.

Br Finan proudly displays the Star of the Sea logo on his shirt!

However, this will be the final retreat specifically for Melanesian Brothers, as future gatherings might expand to include Brothers from other Pacific Islands, forming a broader Pasifika group, says Br John.

Celebrations and profession

The gathering was made even more memorable by the celebration of significant milestones within the Brotherhood. Two Brothers - Br Jean Marie Batick from Vanuatu and Br Finan from Bougainville - marked their 25th anniversary of dedicated service as Brothers.  

Br Jean Marie Batick

Adding to the joyous occasion, Br Epalle renewed his vows in a deeply moving ceremony, reaffirming his dedication to the Brotherhood. This sacred moment took place in the presence of Br Peter Carroll, the SoTS Provincial and other Brothers, making it a truly special

for all involved.

Br Epalle renewing his vows.

View more pics from the event.

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