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A New Chapter: Nine Young Timorese Embark on Their Marist Aspirancy Journey

Aspirancy is a six-month to two-year experience but may vary according to individual circumstances. This initial step takes place in response to a request by an individual who has already been in contact with a member of the Marist Vocations Team and “aspires” to explore seriously the question of becoming a Marist Brother. This request is processed through the Director of Vocations and a formal interview is arranged to ascertain the suitability and readiness of the person for the Aspirancy stage. Recently at the completion of their first month of Aspirancy, nine Timorese men were formally accepted into the Star of the Sea Province’s Initial Formation Program. Br Greg McDonald, Provincial Delegate for Timor-Leste, and Br Lecio Heckler, Aspirancy Formator, reports from Baucau, Timor-Leste.

At the completion of their first month of Aspirancy, nine Timorese men were formally accepted into the Star of the Sea Province’s Initial Formation Program on Thursday, 1 August, 2024. This significant milestone was marked by a heartfelt prayer service that began with a ceremonial calling of each aspirant. As their names were called, each aspirant confidently responded with "Ha’u mak ne’e"— meaning "I am here" in Tetun — symbolising their commitment to the profound journey ahead.

Aspirants making their commitment.

The ceremony was enriched by the traditional placing of the Timorese ceremonial tais, a woven cloth representing cultural heritage and unity, on each aspirant by the scholastic Brothers. This act not only honoured their cultural identity but also welcomed them into the Marist community.

During the service, the Aspirants were inspired by a reading from "Wherever You Go," a passage from the Marist Rule of Life, shared in their native Tetun language. This was a moment of deep reflection, connecting their personal journey with the broader Marist mission.

Br Gaspar places the tais on Aspirant Salistiano.

Following their personal commitment to the six-month program, each aspirant received a cross from Br Bryan Davis and Br Peter Rodney, members of the Province Initial Formation Core Team.

The ceremony concluded with a celebratory meal attended by 40 guests, fostering a sense of community and support for the new Aspirants. The event was not just a formal acceptance but a communal celebration of faith, culture, and the Aspirants' dedication to their spiritual path.

Br Peter Rodney and Br Bryan Davis being formally welcomed to Timor-Leste.

In the preceding week, Baucau also welcomed Br Bryan Davis and Br Peter Rodney, who spent time familiarising themselves with the three stages of initial formation currently operating in Timor-Leste: Aspirancy, Postulancy, and post-Novitiate studies and learning more about the Child Safeguarding policy and practices.

Their visit underscored the ongoing commitment of the Marist Brothers to nurturing vocations and supporting the spiritual growth of young men in Timor-Leste.

Br Bryan and Br Peter are pictured with Br Matthew Green visiting the new aspirants at Melita Guest House.

As these nine aspirants embark on their Marist journey, the community prays for God’s blessing and the guidance of the Our Good Mother and Marcellin Champagnat. This event marks a new chapter in the Aspirants' lives, filled with hope, faith, and the promise of transformation through service and education.

Brothers Bryan Davis, Lecio Heckler, Greg McDonald and Peter Rodney with the new Aspirants.

During the prayer, the aspirants listened to the following passage from ‘Wherever You Go’, from our Rule of Life in the local Tetun language.

To those who have set out to discern their vocation

In setting out to discern your vocation as a Marist Brother,

you show courage and generosity of heart.

Be patient as you work to integrate your own story

and try not to rush the action of God in your life.

Open your heart to establishing new relationships

and enriching your identity within the Marist community.

Be willing to learn about yourself;

come to know and love Jesus who calls you by name.

With the help of the person guiding you,

awaken to the Spirit’s movement

in your life and in our Marist history.

Take time to appreciate your brothers

and the gift of our Marist charism.

Bit by bit, you will grow to understand just what this vocation,

to be a Marist and a brother, requires of you.

Eventually you will come to know

if this is what God is asking you to do with your life.

(57. Wherever You Go – Marist Brothers Rule of Life).


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